

flexibility in a resume

My brain is switched into English mode in Wednesday, because of the class in Nakanoshima. Today's theme was job hunting actions in United States by using an article from The New York Times. The article was "In Hiring, a Friend in Need Is a Prospect, Indeed" which was published in January 27, 2013. This article is cleared that the rate of unemployed are getting close with the rate of Long-Term Unemployment in US.

As one of a classical theory "weak-tie" by Prof. Mark Granovetter, networking is a key to make a relationship to start something together. But, our lecturer Tad said that these networking are instrumental and transactional for a challenging business, occasionally. So, today's article told us the differences in the tools for getting a job through the internet. Tad also explained the similarity of the internet service to us that Monster.com likes Yahoo! auction because which would be listed in each commodity, and LinkedIn likes Facebook which can be characterized by a user.

Today, before the finishing the session, I must go to Tokyo to attend the conference "Make A Difference" which was sponsored by National Institution For Youth Education. The theme was "The Potential of Community based learning in Higher Education". 1st presenter was Yamamoto-sensei who is an organizer of "Iwate GINGA-NET Project" and 2nd presenter was Tomomatsu-san who is a director of "KOHDOUKAN(興動館 : a coinage by Japanese)" by Hiroshima University of Economics. And 3rd is me, and the final presenter, so I presented the history, mission & policy, and prospect from/of the practices in the Center for the Study of Service-Learning, Ritsumeikan.

I think that both an English session and a discussion in the conference treated the straight carrier in Japanese. I saw the curious data in the OECD Employment Outlook at my work on The Consortium of Universities in Kyoto. That was the 10years job experience rate, and 8.6 in US but almost 1.0 in Japan. Today, Tad indicated "furlough" as the employment system in US for appropriate number between job and worker, however, most Japanese hard to design own flexible carrier by traditional norm of lifetime employment in Japan.